Mise à jour mineure pour Big Picture : des ajustements pour les manettes
- Par R3DCraft - Vossey.com, publié
- 0 commentaire
Pendant que les manettes de Steam commencent à arriver chez leur propriétaire, Valve peaufine des détails pour Big Picture. Une mise à jour est sortie récemment, corrigeant des bugs mineurs et changeant l'utilisation du contrôleur de Steam et celui de Microsoft. Par exemple avant, pour lancer Big Picture, il fallait appuyer pendant 3 secondes. Il faut maintenant appuyer une fois pour focus Steam et une autre pour lancer Big Picture. Le reste du changelog est repris ci-dessous.

- Changed controller Steam/Xbox button behavior:
- Old behavior: Hold down 3 seconds to launch Big Picture (or single press if you were in desktop Steam).
- New behavior: Pressing once will change focus to Steam if it doesn't have focus. If it has focus, pressing once will launch Big Picture.
- Fixes collision with the hold-down-for-4-seconds method of turning off the controller.
- Improved startup times for users with a large number of games
- Added a « New For You » option to the view menu so you can go back to past offers and view their details
- Fixed play button for non-Steam games showing « Preload » in some cases
Big Picture
- Significantly improved performance in the Library area for users with a large number of games
- Updated status bar look at the top of the main menu
- Fixed « New For You » items not activating when selected
- Fixed in-game crash when using the Daisy Wheel keyboard
- Fixed buttons mis-firing on the Steam Controller right after leaving a game
In-Home Streaming
- Fixed some causes of audio stutter when streaming at high bitrate
- Fixed always-black video on some multi-GPU, multi-monitor systems
Mac OS X
- Fixed focus issues when displaying 2 modal dialogs at the same time
- Fixed slow shutdown when you had a Steam Controller connected
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