TF2 : Des correctifs de maps
- Par latios95 -, publié
- 0 commentaire
Aujourd'hui est
un grand jour un jour comme les autres et voici venir un petit correctif pour Team Fortress 2, réglant quelques problèmes sur ctf_2fort, cp_dustbowl, cp_mountainlab et pl_goldrush. Mais aussi d'autres bugs divers dont voici les détails (en anglais) :
- Fixed an infinite healing exploit related to loadout presets
- Fixed a bug where Medics would be unable to deploy their ÜberCharge
- Fixed an exploit in Mann vs. Machine mode related to purchasing upgrades for free
- Fixed workshop contributors not being able to view all of their submitted items using the in-game menus
- Fixed Strange versions of The Southern Hospitality not tracking sentry kills
- Fixed The Fortified Compound not triggering the same taunts and voice lines as The Huntsman
- Fixed not hearing the taunt sounds for The Boston Boom-Bringer and The Infernal Orchestrina on Mann vs. Machine maps
- Fixed Natascha using the wrong material for the viewmodel
- Fixed Killstreak sheen effects for the Flying Guillotine (style), The Bat Outta Hell (style), The Unarmed Combat, The Wrap Assassin, The Chargin' Targe, and The Splendid Screen
- Updated the equip_regions for The Sangu Sleeves, The Huntsman's Essentials, The Lucky Shot, and The Soldier's Stash
- Updated The Crusader's Crossbow and The Festive Crusader's Crossbow to use the same crosshair as The Huntsman
- Updated cp_dustbowl
- Fixed Red team's stage 1 spawn door pushing players in the air
- Fixed collision on windows, props, and rooflines
- Fixed floating props[/item]
- Fixed players building inside the alternate exit from the Red spawn in stage 3
- Updated cp_mountainlab
- Fixed exploit on rafters near control point 2
- Updated ctf_2fort
- Fixed collision on train-wheels prop outside Blu base
- Fixed clipping on window ledges[/item]
- Fixed collision on pipes in flag rooms
- Fixed texture alignment on world map textures
- Fixed clipping issue in the middle where Blu could stand in the sky
- Updated pl_goldrush
- Added nobuild area under the train tracks to prevent teleport trap near Blu spawn in stage 1
- Community request:
- Added convar hud_combattext_batching_window to be used with hud_combattext_batching
- maximum delay between damage events in order to batch numbers
- min 0.1, max 2.0, default 0.2
Voilà une bonne occasion de relancer, si ce n'est déjà fait, le simulateur d'ouverture de caisses de Valve.